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Tag: rumored

Disney Plus rumored plans prove the further we get from cable, the closer we get to cable

[ad_1] Streaming television was supposed to kill cable and broadcast TV. Ad-free, endless choice, on-demand, and on your schedule meant the no-compromises television experience of our dreams. Except it hasn't quite turned out that way and now it's starting to look like the old models, the ones that buoyed cable and broadcast television for…

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Tiny AI chip designer could become Arm’s sibling – Softbank rumored to be interested in buying cash-strapped Graphcore with its IPU crown jewel likely to be the target

[ad_1] Graphcore, a UK-based AI chip designer that was once considered a potential rival to Nvidia, is now exploring a sale after struggling to capitalize on the AI boom. Despite substantial funding, including over $700m from investors such as Microsoft and Sequoia, the company's revenue fell by 46% last year, and losses have since…

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